Thursday, March 24, 2011

Survivor Update - 3/24/2011

For once on Survivor the big story was what happened on Redemption Island. Krista and Matt bonded, finding common ground in their religious beliefs (see picture). CBS and Jeff Probst went to great lengths to preview the show as the night that Matt may be eliminated but his duel with Krista really wasn't that close and he was victorious again... fourth win in a row for Matt. Then Krista gave Matt her bible as she left and that may be the armor Matt needs to make his way back to the regular game and win the remaining duels.
Meanwhile back at the ranch... Ometepe beats Zapatera in the immunity challenge, and despite lobbying from lawyer Dave and a feeble attempt to smooth things over with her tribe, Stephanie was voted off.
Some notable occurences- Phillip erupted and chewed out Natalie and Ashley for their lack of work at camp, Andrea realized that Matt (her former cuddle bunny) was actually becoming dangerous and might not have the bond with her that she thought was there, Phillip started acting like Coach used to and showed off his animal tattoos while bragging about his control of the game (he actually has zero), Rob and Mike hid an immunity idol clue from Phillip but he spotted it and called them on it, Ralph and Julie decided that team-mate Sarita has outlived her usefulness to the tribe, Sarita decided she had a cavity so she tuck a stick in her mouth and got an infection (amazingly dumb move) and finally Natalie and Ashley had a spa day that included a healthy dose of underarm hair plucking... ewwwwwwww!
Now, if I had to predict anything for next week I'd bet Matt has his hands full in his duel on redemption island with Stephanie. She's feisty and he's becoming a bit too laid back. We'll see!