Thursday, March 10, 2011

Survivor Update - 3/10/11

Well it finally happened. Russell is done, defeated by Matt in a great battle on Redemption Island. Yup, gone... out of there... cannot return. And when he'd lost he cried like a baby, proving to me and the rest of the world that he's just a loser after all. No thank you's to Jeff, just harsh words for his teammates and anyone else he happened to think of. And all the while he kept calling different people idiots, what an ass.
Meanwhile the battle intensified as Boston Rob's tribe lost the next immunity challenge. In one of the least surprising votes ever, Kristina (see photo) was voted off, sent to Redemption Island to battle Matt next week. As usual, I can't believe the Ometepe tribe let Phillip stay in the game... the majority of his tribe is sick to death of this guy and truth be told watching him parade around in peach-colored tidy whities every week is my least favorite thing about Survivor.
Finally, hinting at some major power plays next week by Russell's former Zapatera alliance, Krista and Stephanie, we got to see some previews that led us to believe we're going to see some shocking moves. But after seeing Russell go away, I won't be shocked by anything for a while...