Thursday, March 31, 2011

Survivor Recap 3/31/11

Zapatera continued it's losing ways on "Survivor-Redemption Island" last night, and voted off yet another member. Lawyer David was pretty beligerent about his vote against Sarita last week, but despite his tribe's increasing lack of trust for him, they voted the weakest member off... Sarita.
Meanwhile, Matt defeated Stephanie on Redemption Island. He's won five weeks in a row, and whoever wins between Matt and Sarita next week will rejoin the tribe. And it'll just be one tribe because next week is also expected to be the merge. The merge should put a much larger target on Boston Rob's back, and answer questions regarding several contestants that appear ready to jump alliances. Number one is our old friend Phillip who seems to have developed a tremendous rapport... with the camera during his on-camera segments. You have to laugh though at the way he confides in the camera, telling us all the things he's going to do. If only he had any real power. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer!
The big question for next week - if Matt survives his 6th challenge on Redemption Island, will he and Boston Rob (see picture) clash or mend fences??