Thursday, November 3, 2011

Survivor - 11/2/11 Recap

Ozzie did it. Last week he sacrificed himself to Redemption Island in order to defeat Christine, and then re-join his Savaii tribe for the merge, and then so each tribe would have six members once the merge was complete. And it worked. The strategy paid off as Ozzie crushed Christine, (yes the Bulldog is finally gone), and then Jeff Probst announced that the tribes were now merged, and each tribe stood six members strong. Then Cochran returned the hidden immunity idol to Ozzie leaving just one part of the strategy to fall into place - for Cochran to spy on the Upolo members and find out who they were voting for, all while claiming he was flipping to their side.
True to the plan, Coach and his minions immediately started working on Cochran (see picture), trying to get him to flip sides. Not surprisingly, Cochran seemed very receptive to the idea stating that his tribe hadn't been that nice to him all along, crying that he'd had to beg to keep from getting voted off, and whining about the emotional roller coaster he'd been on since the game started. But Cochran was serious, NOT playing along. Is there anything about Cochran that isn't weak, wimpy and wishy-washy?? It seems the answer is no.
After Ozzie and Dawn each won immunity, Dawn made a huge effort to convince Cochran to stay with the plan and vote with his old tribe... to stay with the plan. And at the tribal council, the first vote was six to six with everyone staying strong to their old tribe - six votes for Rick (the cowboy) and six votes for Keith. And then on the second vote, inexplicably, Cochran flipped and voted with Coach, and sending Keith to Redemption Island.
I don't remember any previous tribal council with so many nasty comments made between the contestants... ex-Savaii members calling Cochran a coward and traitor, and ex-Upolo members accusing Savaii of mis-treating Cochran all along and getting what they deserved. Even crazy Brandon stood up for Cochran and told him "stay close to me".
So Keith is off to Redemption Island, and things continue to go splendidly for Coach... and I'll tell you what... that has to change soon! We need to see Coach go down soon!!!