Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22, 1963

This is the one date every year that stops me in my tracks and really makes me look back on my life. I was in High School the day President Kennedy was shot. I didn't know much about politics back then, I doubt I even knew there were Republicans and Democrats. All I knew was that something terrible had happened to our country... and that I was terribly affected by it. I remember hearing the news that Kennedy had been shot while I was in the hallway between classes... then minutes later the Principal announced it over the Public Address System. I left my class and went downstairs to the AV room where many sports lettermen had gathered to watch the TV coverage. After a while, they announced that JFK had died. Minutes later, the Principal dismissed school. I went home and spent the rest of the day watching the coverage with my mother and sisters. It's a day I can never forget.