Friday, March 9, 2012

Survivor - One World update

I have to admit I'm still in shock about this past Wednesday's episode... for a number of reasons. A quick re-cap - first the women won the reward challenge securing a tarp and shelter from the rain, Then the men won the immunity challenge easily when the women displayed terrible puzzle prowess. Then, with quite possibly the dumbest move in the history of Survivor, the men decided to give the women the immunity idol and go to tribal council.
Yep, they wanted to vote one of their members off. Using the smokescreen that the "other guy" alliance had been betrayed by Leif and he needed to go immediately, the men marched into tribal council, crowed about Leif's betrayal, and then voted Bill off (see picture).
I was shocked. Jeff Probst was shocked. Somehow Colton, the openly gay guy that just a few days ago was disliked by every contestant, has manipulated his way to leadership in the men's tribe. The whole Leif betrayal was a ruse to get to tribal and vote poor Bill off, and Bill was completely blindsided, but all that was cleverly disguised by CBS editing. And maybe you don't think it was all that shocking. But what was shocking was Colton's many racist comments about Bill... just go read some of the comments on some of the weekly blogs devoted to the show... I won't detail it all here. Colton has advanced to the level of super villain, and now I'm wondering if this isn't the worst Survivor ever.