Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday Forgotten Oldie...

Today a group that was considered a lightweight contender back in the 60's because of the strong influence of their parents. Dino (son of Dean Martin), Desi (son of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz) and friend Billy Hinsche, recorded and performed as Dino, Desi and Billy between 1965 and 1969. I'm A Fool reached #17 on the charts in 1965, before any member of the group was 15 years old. Primarily a cover band on their first four albums, they had a great deal of help from Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys, and eventually wrote a fair amount of the material on ensuing records. Many critics hated them but they were true teen heart-throbs because of their youth. I saw them perform at the end of their career and they surprised me with the strength of their musical ability. Personally, I think "I'm A Fool" is a great record... but largely forgotten now.