Thursday, October 27, 2011

Survivor Re-Cap

10/26/11 - Now we're talking! One of the boldest moves of all time in Survivor happened tonight... Ozzy had his Savaii tribemates vote him to Redemption Island!
Okay, here's what happened. First, Christine knocked Mikayla off in the Redemption Island challenge... surprised the heck out of me! Christine is on a roll and has really earned my nickname for her "the Bulldog"! And her victory is what got Ozzy thinking... and pretty soon ol' Ozzy has a plan for his tribe. If Savaii loses the immunity challenge, his tribe should vote Ozzy to Redemption Island so he can beat Christine. Thus, if the tribes merge after the Redemption Island challenge Ozzy can come back into the game and Upolu and Savaii will be even again at six members each. Bold plan! But Ozzy is taking some huge risks, maybe the boldest risks in the history of the game.
At the immunity challenge, good old Cochran messes things up so badly for Savaii that they blow a lead and lose a challenge they should have won pretty easily. Afterwards it looks like Ozzy has forgotten his bold plan and the tribe will send Cochran to Redemption Island after all. But in the end, he gives Cochran the immunity Idol and sacrifices himself for the plan. Ozzy even explains the strategy to Probst at tribal council (see photo). The episode ends with Ozzy telling a big fib to Christine on Redemption Island about how Cochran blindsided everyone by secretly having and playing the immunity idol.
Incidentally, over at Upolu Coach is leading prayer meetings and group hugs so often that I was wondering if I was watching Survivor or a revival meeting. I think Coach needs to go...
But Wow, the game has suddenly gotten very interesting!