Thursday, September 22, 2011

Survivor Re-Cap

9/21/11 - Well we're getting to know the cast of Survivor South Pacific and already there are some very strange things going on. Brandon, the nephew of Russell Hantz, is one twisted dude! He struggles with feelings of guilt because his uncle was such a jerk, struggles with his devotion to Christianity, and struggles with what he perceives to be the biggest threat to his staying on the straight and narrow... which turns out to be a Lingerie Football player named Mikayla. The funny thing is, Mikayla hasn't said or done anything to Brandon. She works hard around camp, is very good in challenges, and usually has a smile on her face. But little Brandon seems to have decided she's an evil temptress, bent on seducing him and destroying his soul... what the heck??? Brandon seems to have some sociological issues!!
Anyhow, Upolu defeats Savaii in the immunity challenge (it wasn't really close) and Christine (photo) gets voted off to Redemption Island at the tribal council. The show ends with Christine trying to wake up Semhar over on Redemption Island, but Semhar sleeps soundly through the last ten seconds. I figure next week Christine will beat Semhar in the RI challenge and Brandon will probably sacrifice a crab or coconut trying to get Mikayla voted off... or at least sent to hell where he obviously thinks she belongs.
Sidenotes- Coach made some alliances on Savaii, but it seems shaky. Ozzie found the hidden immunity idol, but the previews made me think he's about to become very unpopular with Upolu. Ahh Survivour!