Friday, December 10, 2010

Bye bye Benry...

Survivor 12/8/10 - Every now and then, Survivor takes a very funny turn. This past episode was hilarious.
First Chase makes a huge strategic error... after winning the reward challenge, he takes Holly and Jane with him. This leaves the one player without an alliance, Sash, back at home with the three members of the other alliance; Dan, Fabio and Benry. And yeah, the four of them made an alliance.
But when everyone is back together, Benry immediately breaks his alliance by telling everyone else that he'll vote any way they tell him if he can just stay in the game. Wormy little feller ain't he?
Soooo, then Chase told Fabio to vote for Holly (which he did), Chase tells Benry and Dan to vote for Fabio (which they did) and then the other four voted Benry off. Funny!! Can you say blindside?
And almost as funny is Sash thinking he's the game's great strategist. His best quote of the night was when he said Chase’s decision was “a rissy moo” that was “increly stuid” so he was going to “possily manure myself with the other alliance.” I think Sash found some good marijuana in Nicauragua or something... he's definitely "out there".