Thursday, April 23, 2009

BOLD LIES & OLD GOSSIP - "Survivor - 4/23"

Yeah, I admit it... I'm a Survivor junkie. I've never missed an episode - ever. I live for the blind side, the alliance destroyed, the babe sliding under the radar, and the Tarzan-Like alpha male that gets ousted by the little people that probably couldn't survive a night alone in a damp garage.

And this week's episode had me roaring with laughter and satisfaction! Sierra, the little blonde model is told by Tyson (pompous jerk) that she's getting voted out... and instead Tyson gets the boot! PRICELESS! He even said beforehand that he hoped she'd cry a lot when the votes were read. Tyson also told Sierra how stupid she was! Now remember, Tyson is the genius that was running around nude in front of his tribe back in week one... yup, a genuine genius! And now he's voted out!!! I gotta admit, I roared out loud! Scared the heck out of the cats.

I've got a good feeling that next week we get to see Coach go bye-bye. Coach is another pompous jerk, but Coach meditates while watching his muscles ripple and talks about escaping pygmy tribes in Brazil... this should be good!