Thursday, April 12, 2012

Survivor One World - recap

Hmmmm, last night's episode was kind of scary... especially if you're a guy. The six remaining women voted off one of the four remaining guys. And somehow they did it while convincing the guy they voted off that they weren't going to vote him off. Poor Jay, he just didn't see it coming at all.
So, recapping... the tribe is told to conduct a bolo/ladder golf sort of throwing contest between two teams to win a reward eating and drinking on an island. They divvy up and Alicia's team (the team with 3 guys) wins the reward.
After all this, Jay and Troyzan (see picture) chat it up with their old alliance and try to convince their old alliance to vote Alicia off. But Kim has done her work well, and those darned women are solidly determined to lie to and get rid of the guys. So, Jay believes... Troy doesn't believe... Troy plays his immunity idol... Jay gets voted off. So far... three guys on the jury, three guys left in the game, and six women left in the game. Not a good time to be a guy on Survivor folks.