Sunday, May 15, 2011

Survivor Finale - 5/15/11

Okay I'm bummed... totally. Survivor Nicaragua/Redemption Island ends with Boston Rob winning. Nasty finish... duh, the guy had four tries and finally won. But I'm bummed because of who he is. I'll explain that at the end.
Here's the recap... on Redemption Island (see photo) Andrea beat the boys, Matt, Mike and Grant all put on the jury. The little gal from Wisconsin beat the guys in a physical challenge. But it didn't do her any good because she rejoined the tribe and was voted out at the next tribal council. The Boston Rob cult still voted the way he wanted them to.
So now we have four left. And Boston Rob controls the cult and wants Ashley gone... so when she doesn't win the next immunity challenge... she's gone at the next tribal council. And when the final three; Boston Rob, Natalie and Philip are voted on by the nine jurists... we go live to New York and Boston Rob wins.
Now, as to being bummed at who Boston Rob is... Grant summed it up the best when he said that Survivor is so much more than scheming, plotting, stabbing in the back and blindsiding people. Survivor is who you are. If you lie to win, you don't deserve to win. If you break promise after promise you don't deserve to win. If your word isn't worth the spit it took to speak... you don't deserve to win. Boston Rob didn't deserve to win.