Thursday, April 14, 2011

Survivor Update - 4/14/11

Weird show last night. If I were to give the show a name it would be "Pass the Kool Aid". The reason for the title is that Boston Rob is controlling his former Ometepe tribe as though they're a brain-washed cult, with unquestioning loyalty to Jim Jones... er, Boston Rob. He even adopts a "Buddy System" so none of them ever goes anywhere alone. Rob is paranoid about former members of Zapatera cornering one of his minions alone. At one time I kind of liked Boston Rob... that's no longer true, he's just another scumbag whose power has gone to his head big time. I warned you Probst... keep the former competitors out of the game. It's getting ridiculous and I'm betting you know it, but you don't know what to do about it.
The episode had two immunity challenges and two tribal councils. Both immunities were won by ex Ometepe members and two more former Zapatera members were voted off; Mike and David. Steve, Julie and Ralph are all that's left to battle Rob's army of six.
A few additional observations from last night:
I cannot believe that Rob's tribe didn't eat any of the fish that Ralph caught... I was actually disturbed at the cult-like atmosphere and a little sick to my stomach.
Philip wore a feather to tribal council, announced it had materialized out of thin air, and proclaimed it was a symbol of his tribe's prowess. Seriously, this guy is off his meds and has gone past comical to a point approaching looney.
Once again last night I was shaking my head at a challenge, the "hang from a horizontal pole until there's one person left". This is another of those challenges that strongly favors lighter contestants, I mean really between a 190 pound man and a 110 pound woman who stands a better chance of hanging upside down with your knees draped over a pole for a longer time? The weight cancels strength, the ability to endure pain is paramount, and younger joints excel. In other words, this challenge will always be won by a young, skinny girl. Who were the last three hanging? The three young, skinny girls. This challenge favors them completely... I rest my case.
Finally, both of the competitors voted off last night were sent to Redemption Island, without a competition taking place. The show ends as Matt realizes that he has to defeat two challengers, not one. But the way this show is going even that isn't unfair enough to Matt... I'm betting the plan is to wait until a few more are voted off and then have one big challenge.
Wonderful. Not.